Great calls to action in your email marketing campaigns definitely do not just happen on their own. For starters, you need to clearly identify what you have to offer, how you want to communicate that to your target audience, and plan to send it out at the right time.
So how do you create great calls to action for your email marketing that customers simply can not resist clicking on? Here are a handful of suggestions which are sure to bring up your email campaign’s ROI:
Write clear subject lines with a dual purpose. Right off the bat, every email marketing subject line needs to work double time to accomplish certain tasks: telling your readers what they will get when they open the email; enticing them with an irresistible offer; and doing those things in a conversational, relatable tone.
Time Sensitivity – You need to create a sense of urgency. Ask yourself why someone who receives your email should open it immediately. If you do not provide a compelling reason, he or she will either not open it & forget to go back and look at it or it will get deleted straight away without a second thought. An urgent message using action-oriented words have proven to be even more successful than the typical “free” offers that email marketers tend to use.
Stay focused. When it comes to your offer, be very clear in your design and content. You want to be very directive and give one path to action on your offer. Steer clear of things that can distract your reader such as unnecessary sidebars, unrelated content, outbound links, or additional discounts. Put your well crafted calls to action high up on the page, centered in your reader’s main screen area.
The bottom line is that your readers need a bit of a push to take action. It won’t be a single factor which will create a successful call to action and it does require some testing to see what works. When you get it just right, your readers wouldn’t even consider not taking action.