Helpful Tools and Tips for your Ecommerce Website – Part 3

ecommerce onlineThe Last Word on Tips

The technology we use today is different than we used five years ago and will have undergone more changes in the next five years. A final tip will be to examine each change in technology for ecommerce to determine whether it will improve your site and make a better experience for your customers. Will new analytics tools provide information toward this end? Will the new tracking trends lead to improving your site overall? In most cases, the answer is most likely yes, the new technologies will bring improvements. Not always, but customer insight can help you decide if they do.

Staying on top of changes in technology and testing new methods is an ongoing process. No matter how much technology changes the tools used, the basic processes will remain the same. It is all necessary, though, if you want to achieve your goal of making the engagement of customers on your site as pleasant an experience as possible since that is what will keep them there and bring them back.

The bounce rate and customer feedback will always be the two best tools for improving your ecommerce site. Good feedback is wonderful but feedback about what customers don’t like could be the most important for improving the overall experience. Don’t discourage feedback about problems customers had on the site, invite it. This is especially important if your bounce rate goes up. Other tools will tell you what it is doing and may hint at why it is happening but it is customer insight that will tell you the most.

All the tools and tips you use from analytics to tracking should have one goal and that is to make the site comfortable for customers to navigate to find the products and information they want. Everything from site design and layout to product descriptions and pricing to checkout needs to be appealing so the customer’s engagement with the site is positive in every way possible. A customer who finds what they came to the site for quickly and easily is one who is more likely to spend more time finding and comparing other products as well.

Even though the technology and tools will change, you still need to test, analyze, track, update keywords, use creatively written product descriptions and information, update informational product demo videos (if you opt to use them) and evaluate customer feedback regularly. Based on what you learn from all of this, make changes that will make using your site easier for the customer. After all, those tools, tips and customer insight are what will make your ecommerce business successful.

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