We love Google but we love supporting non-profits even more. Here are 2 links to posts that can help you engage or get started with One Today by Google.
Google One Today, Where Social Networking and Environmental and Social Responsibility Meet
Today with so many good causes and so many things that require our attention, finding the best non profit to which we’d like to donate is becoming more difficult. Information overload is the order of the day if you simply search out a non profit or a cause online.In many cases the information is not entirely correct and we may end up donating to causes which are not as legitimate as we might wish them to be.
Getting Started With Google One Today – Social Networking for Non-Profits from Google
Google Non Profits has recently opened a new way to get noticed and a innovative way with which to raise funding for your non profit. With some minor restrictions as to which non profits may become involved, Google is now inviting new or aged nonprofit companies to create their own projects and to register to use One Today. One today is the ultimate in fund raising by the use of social media and social networking campaigns.