Video has moved into the IT spotlight on the web and people are looking for more creative ways to distribute video and to get more viewers to interact with their video content. It is important to find good choices for online video solutions so you can choose one that works as a one-size-fits-all for all of your video content. This is no different than choosing any other enterprise system for your organization – and it shouldn’t be a difficult process.
To start off it is important to decide on a comprehensive set of requirements ahead of time before reviewing available platforms and signing a contract. One big factor in deciding your online video solution is knowing who is producing videos and who is viewing them. This may seem simple at first, but when you looking into it you will see that you may only want a target audience of viewers to upload and/or view your video content. So, it is important to have a clear view of which online video platform will be capable of certain features.
Another good idea to think of when developing your video content strategy is to gather inventory of your codecs and file formats: which is Windows Media, Quick-Time, or Real Video. This will help the categories of who will be producing the media. While gathering this data also be aware of archives of legacy videos that are still in use. Once all or as many as you can get are accounted for you can determine if they should be managed in your new platform. These are just some of the most important factors to think of when planning your video content strategy and choosing an online video platform.
One of the best online video solutions that our clients have found effective is Vimeo Pro. Certainly there are others worth checking out!